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[/wpsm_titlebox][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row row_container=”yes”][vc_column][vc_column_text]Discussion about Modern Application of Card Counting in Blackjack
For over 50 years, counting cards has been a way to beat the odds when playing blackjack. As the number of winning hands increased, casinos began to notice that certain players seemed to have an edge. Through the use of advanced surveillance and facial recognition technology, many casinos are now implementing improved security measures to prevent card counting, and in the process identifying players who are suspected of winning using counting cards strategies. Counting cards increase the player's abilities, which effectively reduces the odds of losing.
While casinos view counting cards as cheating, the industry has yet to find a way to eliminate it all together. Better yet, counting cards is an art that is alive and well and will continue as a quick path to collecting winnings. Players, who use counting cards strategies, will need to adapt and modify their routines in response to the recent casino changes. Many casinos have now made it a policy to catch and publicly identify card counters and they’ve certainly have become more vigilant about using technology to hunt them down at the blackjack tables.
So, does this crackdown mean that players will no longer consistently bank blackjack profits? No, not necessarily so. These players must effectively use new strategies to avoid increased scrutiny and ultimately detection. Are supporters of counting cards strategies, fighting a losing battle? Not at all, just read the reasons below to understand why the practice will continue to flourish, despite the clampdown.
Still Room for Counting Cards at Live Casinos
Casinos have sought stepped up security measures to significantly improve the transparency of dealing blackjack. These measures include reducing the number of times that blackjack dealers actually handles the deck, instead of replacing hand shuffling with electronic machines.
This comes in addition to the introduction of multiple decks, designed to interrupt the card counter’s routine. The new clampdown is the result of unscrupulous opportunists who successfully beat casinos across the industry. Now these players appear in a notebook, listing their techniques, and posting photographs that look similar to mugshots of “known” card counters, and in extreme cases of repeat offenders, in order to successfully rectify the situation, some of these people have been banned permanently from all casinos in a given state or jurisdiction.
The list was developed and widely circulated after observing players who routinely win at the blackjack tables at different casinos. The important thing here is to develop a system that goes with the flow and only win occasionally. Or at the very least, only pick casinos that don’t use electronic devices to shuffle the cards. Choose ones that let the decks go for multiple games, or even better find the double-deck blackjack play. Card counters need to blend into the mainstream and not stand-out as repeat winners.
Are There More Opportunities with Online Casinos?
A misleading thing about playing online blackjack is that it’s nearly impossible to beat technology . Why? Because there’s no live action, the cards are randomly selected. The computer program doesn’t combine group play; instead, a new hand is consistently dealt each time.
That’s not to say counting cards is impossible with online play. It is just more difficult to achieve perfection with any given method, in order to count the cards to determine a frequency; a player needs to penetrate the deck, by waiting and going deep into the deal. This is called, “deck penetration,” and it’s definitely not something a novice blackjack player can pick up.
Despite the technical element involved, counting cards can be done online with success. But also, it can sharpen skills for live casino play without risking a lot of money; all of the online play is relatively low, usually a $1 per hand. All of the blunders can be worth it, to learn a winning technique that will pay off later. You can find a big list of the best online casinos here
Do It Right or Not at All
It’s safe to speculate that some form of counting cards will always be around. A number of players have winning records because they know how to perform counting cards the right way. For inspiration take a look at the winning percentages of blackjack role models. Two examples of brilliant strategists and professional players are Ken Uston and Arnold Snyder.
Casinos are already aware that no matter how vigilant they’ve become, they won’t be able to stop every player identified as a card counter. As changes to the industry standards are made, continue working towards exploring new ways to count cards for profit. The unique structure of blackjack makes it possible to card count; the key now is to make steady progress, as the challenges will remain. There are ways to overcome the hurdles with due diligence.
Going Forward with Card Counting
Because particular blackjack players kept winning big at the tables, again and again, casinos felt the need to address the implications of being caught or considered a card counter. They must consider the possibility that certain players were using favorable methods to make card choices. Going forward, there'll be less room for the player to determine the probability of the hand being dealt.
Upping the security measures at the tables means that unskilled blackjack players don’t stand a chance at counting cards. Skilled players, however, can still retain the favorable odds of counting cards by hanging up their old strategies and moving on with newly developed methods, ones that won’t be readily detected. This won’t be easy, but it'll be well worth the effort.
The best advice to blackjack players who believe in this method to effectively beat the odds, keep on trying, fight the urge to give up, develop more functional ways to avoid getting caught. After all, there isn’t a counting cards test. Casinos, just like the players are just playing a hunch when it comes to detecting card counters.
Driving the Decision to identify someone who’s Counting
Casinos have increased security measures, and are now using advanced technological tools to identify players suspected of counting. This begins with the dealer making observations during live play and then reporting the person and activity. Then they alert the pit boss who immediately tries to disrupt the player’s concentration and focus. When this fails, the pit boss takes it one step further and calls security to view tapes of all casino activity that the player in question engaged in, in order to recognize a pattern of consistently winning at the tables.
Before the casino goes to the final and permanent step of a lifetime ban, they gather evidence that points to a pattern of suspicious activity at the tables, such as the players using their fingers to actually count or remaining still for a period of time, while they mentally record the cards as they're being dealt. The pit boss may have the dealer, play the hand prematurely to throw the count off or they may bring in an automatic shuffler and go another step to prevent the behavior in the future, by setting monetary limits for the player as to minimum and maximum amounts that they can bet at any time.
Finding A Reliable Card Counting System
Every player that enters their web browser in search of online casinos knows that there are two types of people who play blackjack on the web. There are the people that funnel huge amounts of money into casinos without any edge of winning. Those people blindly play blackjack. They think that they have strategies that will help them pick the best times to hit and stay in blackjack. Then, there are the other people, the select few that make up chosen winners. These people know they'll win more often than not because they've tipped the odds in their favor. How do they do this while others fall prey to the house's huge advantage? Well, it is quite simple actually. They pay attention to the cards that hit the table. They count cards in order to pull ahead of other players. Let's find the right method for you – please follow up with some of Blackjack Card Counting techniques found on our site.
Black Jack Advanced Omega II system
The Black Jack Advanced Omega II card counting system was founded by Bryce Carlson. If you are a new card counter, this is probably not the best place to start because of the high complexity of the system. This system is best suited for professional and experienced players. Even though it is a complex system to figure out, this system is one of the powerful and advanced Card counting systems around. Mastering this powerful system only means huge wins at Blackjack.
In 2001, the Advanced Omega II system was detailed in Bryce Carlson's book BlackJack for Blood, Blackjack book. When the book was released, many experienced players switched to using Advanced Omega II counting strategy which became the popular method of card counting, although many other players still choose to go with simpler Card counting systems.
Basics of the Advanced Omega II card counting system:
Each card is given a specific value like in any other card counting system. The point values assigned to each card are as follows:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A
+1 +1 +2 +2 +2 +2 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 0
The Omega II counting system in comparison to the other basic Card counting systems has a complex counting structure which is difficult to learn, but it is much accurate than other systems according to Bryce Carlson who founded this system. Advanced Omega II system uses the standard rule of card counting. Counting should begin in soon after the cards are shuffled up. The player will make a running count of the cards that have been dealt from the shoe by assigning the above point value for the cards. Your bet becomes bigger when you see higher positive count(+3, +4, +5) this is when you start making money. Deck favors the house when the count drops to negative numbers values(+1, 0, -1)this is when you need hold back all bets until the positive numbers are up again or it is better to move on to the next blackjack table.
Advanced Omega II is also otherwise known as balanced card count. From a six or an eight deck shoe, all cards are not dealt and if the player were to keep up with a running count of the last card from the shoe that has been dealt then end total would be zero. About a quarter of cards will be below the cut card which are never used during play.
Role of Aces in Advanced Omega II counting:
Aces are always assigned a point value of zero and are counted in the running count and the way it is counted in Advanced Omega II count system presents another problem for the player. To increase the effectiveness of the advanced omega II counting system, it is important to maintain a separate count of Aces in play which are counted as zeros in the running count. Studies showed that keeping a separate count of Aces increased the efficiency of Advanced Omega II by 3 percentage points. For example, for a 8 deck game, there are (8×4=32) Aces. In your running count, Aces are counted as zeros and for Aces dealt into play keep a separate count, which is a lot of work but will be definitely worth it.
The more aces that are left in the deck the more chances of scoring 3-2 payoff and getting a blackjack. If the count is positive and higher, and if more aces are present in the deck, it can only mean amazing results and greater rewards.
Black Jack advanced Omega II counting system Summary:
For greater rewards, this is the counting system you can rely on. Though this system is complex the rewards are big which is worth it. It appears to be more complex than other basic counting systems because of the advanced complex counting structure and recognizing the importance of counting aces separately which increases the efficiency of this system of counting. Learning to use Advanced Omega II count system requires both time and effort on the part of the blackjack player which only gives great rewards for the effort put in. This system though it is complex is the most advanced and powerful counting system available to the blackJack player.
A lot of players are playing online blackjack in online casinos. The Black Jack Advanced Omega II card counting system can also be applied to count cards in online blackjack games that are played in online casinos.
Blackjack Canfield Expert System
Blackjack is a very popular game in casinos. With the increase in popularity of online casinos, Online blackjack is also becoming popular. Players have been looking to gain an edge and improve their odds while playing blackjack. There are several card-counting systems that have been developed that serve this purpose. Over the years, some skilled people have developed some card counting systems which any person can learn and practice using the Card counting system or a person can learn counting in a basic way.
There are Some popular card counting systems used by a lot of people to learn and practice. One of the classic card counting systems in blackjack is called the Canfield Expert System. The more popular card counting system you are using the easier it will be by the casino to detect that you are counting cards, although card counting is not illegal, there is a good chance the casino will disqualify the person to play the game.
Basics of the Blackjack Canfield Expert System
This method is one of the easiest card counting systems in blackjack to learn. For counting cards, this system uses level 1 strategy. In terms of playing efficiency when playing Black Jack this one is pretty good. ‘Black Jack your way to riches', an expert book was written by Richard Canfield where expert card counting system was made popular. Expert card counting strategy is one of the oldest strategies used by the counters. This system is easy to learn and will be a good start for beginners who are interested in card counting. You can start your count at zero on a new deck and your count should also be zero when the deck is completely dealt out. For a beginner card counter, this is an excellent way to know if your counting is accurate.
This is designed to be used while playing single deck Blackjack. This system was first introduced by Richard Canfield, who worked at a casino and was once a pit boss.
He also developed Canfield Master count system which is more complex than the Expert count system. It is better to stick with Expert count system of counting until you are really familiar with the basic counting system. The simplicity of the Expert count system makes it a very good choice for blackjack players who are new to counting cards. Though the Expert count system is simple, it is effective and powerful when used properly and might improve your odds of winning at the blackjack table.
In this, the Canfield Expert System, the basic rules of card counting are used. Each card in the deck is given a point value which is the card value and as the cards are dealt from the shoe the player keeps the running count of the cards. If the counts are high and positive(+3,+2,+1) it is when making the maximum profit the player should increase the bets. It is time to reduce the bets and move on to the next Black Jack table when the count is in the negative(-1,-2,-3). In this card counting system, you need to remember only three numbers as indices which are +1, 0 and -1.
In Expert count System cards are valued as below:
Card values 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A
Points 0 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 0
It is easy to maintain a count in this system even for the beginners who have no prior experience with card counting. Aces count as zero. In order to improve the efficiency of your strategy and odds, you may need to count Aces on the side.
How aces are handled in Canfield Expert System
In contrast to some other card counting systems in blackjack, you do not need to keep a separate count of aces in this system to benefit from it. You can just assign a numerical value of 0 to the ace and proceed, which makes this method very easy to use.
However, if you keep a separate count of aces on the side it does improve the effectiveness of your play. It is recommended that beginners should ignore aces in the running count, but they should keep a separate count of the aces on the side as they gain experience.
This system is considered as a level 1 system among card counting systems. A level 1 system denotes that it is easy for players to learn and apply. It is very easy to apply and is based on a balanced count. Even though this is an old system of card counting, it still works and is popular among blackjack players. The fact that it is still so popular among card counters in blackjack proves that it is a very effective system.
Blackjack Hi Lo System (High-Low)
People have been using card counting techniques to take the house down in blackjack for an extremely long time and there are plenty of different methods that have been developed over time. However, no other technique is used more frequently, than or with as much success as the easy to learn blackjack hi-lo system. Those people that have figured out how to master this type of card counting technique have been able to amass huge amounts of money, although they likely were kicked out of a ton of casinos on the way.
The high-low system is essentially a way of determining approximately how many cards are in the deck that have the value of ten or higher. The ten, jack, queen and king all represent 10 in a game of blackjack, and an Ace has a value of one. Seeing as there are four cards of each suit, that is twenty cards in the deck that have a value of either ten or eleven, which are the best cards you can get when you are playing blackjack. This is because you are trying to get as close to twenty-one without going over and getting two tens or a combination of a ten-valued card and an ace will put you right on twenty-one.
The way it works is a counting system, where you start off at a base number and with every card that hits the table, you are going to add a value to that number, subtract a value from that number or keep it the same. It may seem confusing at first, but there is perfect logic to this strategy in the long run. If you get a two through a six, you are going to subtract one from your starting number. If there are any sevens through nines, they are negated and the points do not go up or down. If there are any tens through aces on the board, you add a single point to your total and this is applicable for every single card that is visible on the table.
The idea behind this strategy is to look for a ten rich deck, meaning that the deck of cards has plenty of tens, giving you a better chance of hitting good cards and winning the hand. In essence, the lower your number gets overall, the more you should be betting. The theory is that you should get a lot more money when the deck is stacked with tens, as you have better odds of hitting a big score and when this is done repeatedly, you are going to win money in the long run. It really is a proven system that will work over time, although it truly is gambling, so there are some occasions when you may not get lucky, but the overall point here is that you are playing your percentages and only placing large wagers when you have the best overall odds of winning the hand.
Many casinos started to see that they were getting beat out by a lot of money and had to figure out how people were winning so consistently. Once they discovered that people were counting cards and had a massive advantage, they started kicking people out of casinos and they had to take other precautions to do everything they could to prevent people from cheating them. The way that most casinos now operate is through the use of four or more decks. This makes it extremely difficult to call because you are dealing with an exponentially greater number of possibilities, making it not only harder to comprehend but less likely that you are going to hit your cards. However, it does not change the fact that counting cards with this method still gives the player an advantage, regardless as to how many decks they want to play with. The only thing that they have done by resorting to this is lessening the player's ability to accurately predict the next card that is going to fall, but by no means does this mean that you cannot successfully count cards in just about any casino.
There are plenty of other methods that people have come up with that are great at counting cards as well, but this system is tried and true and is a sheer classic. When you hear people talking about counting cards, they are likely referring to the game of blackjack, and almost always they are referring to the high-low system, which is a great way to stack the odds in your favor if you know what you are doing. If you are interested in learning more about the system and want to talk to someone who can explain in details the intricacies of the high-low system, you might want to check out the many books that people have written in regards to this subject. There are also classes that people pay a ton of money to go to, which promise that you will learn this type of blackjack system and will be able to capitalize after, but there have been mixed reviews. Some people have attended these classes and truly have learned exceptional skill sets that have allowed them to win a huge amount of money over the years, but this was more towards the time when casinos were only using one or two decks. These days, it is probably a better idea to just read a book and watch some online videos, but the great thing is that this system is fairly basic and you can get it down pretty quick if you work on it consistently.
Although many people still head out to Las Vegas, Nevada or Atlantic City, New Jersey to hit the strip and play at some big-time casinos, the reality is that most people these days are switching over to doing the majority of their gambling through online casinos. There are a ton of benefits that come along with playing online blackjack, as well as all sorts of other games and you should definitely join a site and give it a try if you have not played online in the past. Although you can attempt to try to count cards during online blackjack games, it truly is a bit more difficult and odds are that you are not going to be as successful as if you were playing at a real table in person. That being said, there are a ton of advantages to playing online and it truly is a viable option, especially if you are just sitting at home and want to play some blackjack for real money. Another benefit is that most of these websites have codes that you can enter when you join their site, which will put a great deal of extra money into your account when you deposit money for the first time.
Whether you are simply trying to learn how to count cards just to have fun with it and not take it too seriously, or whether you are on a mission to take down Las Vegas, learning this skill set can be very rewarding. There are plenty of different card counting systems that you can choose to go with, but the high-low system is a classic and is proven to work if you stick to the strategy.
Hi-Opt I
Card counting systems have been designed to give an edge to players and there are different systems of card counting in use. These card counting systems cater to different skill and experience levels of players. Some of them are suitable for beginners while some are aimed at intermediate card counters and still some others are aimed at experienced card counters.
The highly optimum system was developed by a card counting expert, Charles Einstein, in 1968. Einstein was inspired by the system devised by Edward O. Thorp who authored the authoritative book on blackjack card counting called “Beat the Dealer”. Charles Einstein aimed to further improve Thorp's Hi-Lo system and the highly optimum system was the result of that effort.
Carl Cooper and Lance Humble further tweaked The highly optimum method to produce the Hi Opt I method that is currently used. Cooper and Humble took the concepts developed by Charles Einstein and modified them slightly to produce an effective and popular system for card counting in blackjack.
How does Hi-Opt I work?
Like some other card counting systems, this system is also based on the common card counting principles. It uses the concept of the running count to help the player decide on whether to increase or reduce the size of the bets. During the time the running count value is high, like +2, +3, +4, the bet size is increased. Conversely, when the running count falls into negative territory, like -1, -2, -3, bets are reduced.
The count in this method is balanced, which implies that the running count starts at 0 before the cards are dealt and finishes with a value of 0 after all the cards have come into play. This comes in very handy when you practice this method at home because you can verify that you are counting correctly by checking to see if the running count is 0 after all the cards have come into play. In actual game situations, this is unlikely to occur because all the cards do not usually come into play. Therefore, it is recommended that you practice this method thoroughly at home before you employ this method in live play situations.
The main way in which the Hi-Opt I System differs from the Hi-Lo system is in the values assigned to twos and aces, which are both assigned a value of 0. Each card is assigned a numerical value and a running count is maintained. The various cards are assigned the following numerical values:
The cards 3, 4, 5, and 6 are assigned a value of +1. The cards 0, 7, 8, 9, and ace are assigned a value of 0. The cards 10, J, Q, and K are assigned a numerical value of -1.
We can see above that the number of +1 and -1 cards are equal. This feature is very helpful in live play as these cards cancel each other out, and it is easy to keep a running count.
True Count in Hi-Opt I System
The feature that makes Hi-Opt I a bit harder to learn is the concept known as true count. Applying the true count concept provides the system with a powerful boost. You can apply Hi-Opt I without using true count, but its effectiveness will increase if you apply true count also. Applying true count entails applying some mathematics and practice, but the increased effort required is justified due to the resulting increase in effectiveness.
The value of true count is calculated as running count divided by the number of remaining cards. It is best to use the percentage of remaining cards to calculate true count. For example, if the value of running count is +2, and you estimate that approximately 50% of the cards are remaining. The true count value is +2 divided by 50%, which equals +1.
Applying true count might be difficult for beginners in live play, and they should stick to just using running count. They should wait until they have thoroughly mastered the concept and gained the necessary experience.
How Aces are handled
In this system, it is not necessary for you to maintain a side count of aces, but it becomes more effective if you include it. Beginners are again advised to just stick with running count and practice side counting of aces thoroughly before applying them in actual play.
IF you are familiar with the Hi-Lo system and are exploring systems that improve it further, then you should consider the Hi Opt I system. In order to use this system, you should at least have a basic understanding of card counting in blackjack.
This system tweaks the values assigned to cards and also has provision for the concept of the true count which increases its effectiveness. It might involve a little more effort to master, but it is well worth the effort due to the increase in effectiveness. However, it is not recommended for beginners.
With the advent of online casinos, players playing online blackjack have increased. These card counting systems can be applied to such online blackjack plays as well.
Blackjack Hi-Opt II: Educational Guide on Blackjack Counting System and How it Works
The Blackjack Hi-Opt II is more complicated than most other Blackjack counting systems; it is virtually considered to be the “most advanced” of those counting systems considered High Optimum and was made for blackjack card counters that are quite advanced. The foundation for Blackjack Hi “Opt II” is Hi Opt I but with the second form of counting there are new added point values which help improve on accuracy and efficiency in counting. Hi Opt I resembles Opt II, however, with Opt II, on the balanced count, there is an additional counting, which requires greater concentration.
Understanding the Opt II Card Counting Strategy
For most Blackjack players, they know card values. In the case of Opt II card counting strategy, there are typical card values of 0, +1, -1. The Opt II system utilizes cards that have larger value ranges and this can make it more difficult to keep track of each individual card. For instance, in order to make all of the count be more accurate for the player, Opt II gives a value of +2 to certain cards. Ace equals 0 in Opt II and Natural is -2.
Card values are made up from separate groups of cards. In the deck, when the player has all numbers 2,3,6,7, then the value for the deck is +1. For 4 and 5, the value of the deck is +2. When playing 10s, Jacks, Kings or Queens, the value is -2. Aces are neutral in Opt II, however, the system can be further advanced when the number of Aces drawn from the packs is analyzed. Aces are much more random in the Opt II counting system. If there are no Aces dealt in the quarter deck – which is referred to as Ace poor, +1 is added to the count. If 2 Aces are in play (this is called Ace rich), then it is important to subtract 1 from the current running count. When multiple card values are combined, counting Aces can be complex in multipacks. That’s the reason why Opt II multipacks are used for those who are already familiar with counting. The fact is that Aces are not actually counted in the regular count, however the basic strategy at this points undergoes multiple changes and variations depending on how many aces have actually been played.
The Opt II systems even uses larger values to shift slightly the card counting power to be more in the player’s favor as opposed to the casino.
So where does Opt II come from? Really, there is not much difference from other popular forms of counting cards. The Opt II works on a running count used at the table to decide the betting size of the player. When the count is higher, the bet also becomes higher. In order to maintain accuracy, there is more work required on the player’s end. As stated earlier, the point value that is assigned basically distinguishes Hi-Opt I from Opt II. For one, there are more indexes associated with Opt II including the values of both +2 and -2.
When it comes to online blackjack, there are quite a few more indexes in Opt II which means that when card values are added, the method of counting is harder than counting in live play. In Opt I, multiple cards cancel themselves out, while in Opt II, they don’t. More time will be spent in Opt II determining the true count than it would in Opt I. Basically, Opt II is a system that requires much more work at the table.
With Opt II, the running total is kept track of in the mind of the player and this can mean the deck can either be more favorable to the casino or the player, depending on how the game is going. The player is having to compute and compute the count as each card is played and falls. There is a lot of work required at the table for Opt II and every player should know that that’s how the system works.
Blackjack that is face down does not help the counter. The player can slightly increase advantage against the dealer using the Opt II system. But the edge Opt II provides is small. Experienced card counters are the ones who get the most out of the Hi-Opt II system.
The Opt II system is very accurate when the player is counting. That’s the prerogative of the Opt II system. It is advised that players learn and master the Hi-Opt I system before advancing to Opt II. That way, the edge that Opt II gives the player, will be easily understood.
A running account is used for all card counting systems, with a running total kept in the player’s memory. This running count is more or less a snapshot of how many 10s and other cards (low value) are still being played in the deck. The number of decks in play does not determine the precision of cards necessarily because a running count is more valuable with the more decks being used in the game.
When it comes to the true count that is different. The information provided by the running cunt is taken in by the true count and then reduced to a more particular number that gives a better example of the true deck’s nature. The true count is often preferred by professional players because it can help lower the edge that the house has by a few percentage points. In Opt II, the running count is figured out first. Then, the next step is seeing how many decks are still in play. To correctly estimate this number. The player considers the number of cards that have already been dealt compared to how many still remain in the shoe. What happens is the running count is divided by the number of decks that still are in play. Thus, the true count is determined in Opt II.
When playing an 8 deck game, there are 32 aces and in a six-deck game, there are 24. Keep a separate count for the aces because of the 3-2 payoff given in blackjack. The player’s chances of getting blackjack are much higher when combining a true count that is strong with a high aces deck. True value really comes out in the Opt II card counting method and helps the player maximize chances for a bigger profit playing at online casinos.
The Opt II counting system is better used by those more experienced players. There are many additional steps and the Opt II counting strategy should be incorporated by those players that are experienced in counting. Opt II offers more difficulty in card counting, however, the flipside of that is bigger profits to be gained. Harder work means bigger profits in the case of Opt II card counting. It boils down to the player who wants to expand knowledge on the game of blackjack, but who also understand the basic knowledge of card counting.
Insight into the Blackjack KISS 3
Evolution of the KISS 3 Counting System
KISS is a common acronym in the wagering industry. It is a Blackjack counting system that stands for Keep It Short and Simple. These counting series has KISS I, KISS II and KISS III. KISS 3 is a current version of this online blackjack counting system. Most Blackjack beginners normally prefer to using KISS 3 counting series especially when they have completely mastered using the KISS I and KISS II systems.
However, by having a closer look at the three counting systems, you can see that there are minimal differences between KISS 3 and the other previous methods. KISS I offers a +0.48% edge, KISS II l gives a +0.64% edge and KISS 3 offers the highest edge, +0.70%. Each KISS level builds on the previous version. The new versions offer new blackjack players the ability to adapt to playing online Blackjack easily and efficiently. The KISS systems simplify counting by omitting 50% of playing cards from the count. Hence, a player does not have to do a lot calculation in the course of the game. It offers you only two-thirds of the edge like most complicated games.
Fred Renzey’s KISS III card counting systems differs from most other methods of counting cards since it is an unbalanced system. In short, after all the cards in a deck have been dealt, the final total is not a necessarily a zero. This is due to the fact that the count does not begin at zero but it starts at a negative range of about -3, -2, -10 or a higher one. The main advantage of an unbalanced system is that it is more accurate in representing a more favorite deck to a player.
The Blackjack KISS 3 counting system was introduced to improve the efficiency of the previous counting systems. This was done by changing the indices of two playing cards in the KISS II system. Consequently, a fresh difficulty level was introduced into the new counting system. Beginners do have to worry since this is still a very easy counting system altogether even after the introduction of a new difficulty level. Online casino players can learn the new system fast and can as well implement what they have learned in live play.
In this system, one understands when to place a high bet or a low bet depending on the count. When the count is high, one is advised to place a high bet since the high number of tens will be of an advantage to the player than to the dealer. Similarly, if the count is positive or low, you are advised to reduce your bet since the advantage goes to the house.
The Unbalanced Nature of KISS 3 Counting System
The KISS 3 is an unbalanced counting system. This means that once all the cards are put in the deck and have been dealt, the ultimate total does not have to be 0. This is one of the major differences between KISS 3 and all the other Blackjack counting systems. The logical explanation behind this concept is that it is not mandatory for a player to start counting at 0 when using this counting method. In fact, it is actually possible for a player to begin counting from a negative number or above negative figures.
The aim of introducing the idea of the unbalanced counting method is to make it possible to vividly give a representation of the real state of a game. This is very suitable when the deck is least or most favorable for the player. Another thing worth noting is that due to the unbalanced nature of this counting system, it is suitable for single or double deck poker games.
Comparing KISS 3 with Red 7
The KISS 3 Blackjack counting system differs a little from the KISS II. Firstly, the 7s in this system corresponds to a +1 count. The aces correspond with a -1 count. This is a single level counting strategy. This means that the indices range from +1 to -1 and there are fewer digits to keep following. All the KISS card counting versions are designed to be simple. All subsequent versions of this counting system are meant to improve the properties to the system.
The KISS 3 is also very close to the Red 7 count. Their only difference is that in Red 7, you need to be suit-aware of the 2s instead of the KISS 3’s 7s. The KISS 3 also has a slightly higher playing efficiency than Red 7. Being suit-aware basically means that when a red “2” is dealt, a player should add “0” to the count. If a black “2” is “dealt”, you should add +1 to the count. You can easily change the indexes from red to black and no difference will be made as long as a player is consistent throughout the deck.
Comparing KISS 3 with KISS 2
KISS 3 has a high increase in wagering correlation but has less efficiency and insurance correlation as compared to KISS II. When choosing the counting system to apply, players should consider what attributes are more important to their game. They should also consider the kind of rules used in different versions of the blackjack. KISS 3 is advantageous when playing “shoe” games and games with several decks of playing cards. Nowadays that is a benefit to players since most online casinos are adapting the shoe instead of single decks.
In these unbalanced systems, players do not have to convert from the true count to the running count. The conversion also depends with the number of decks that are played. The approach in all unbalanced systems such as KISS 3 is to multiply -2 by the number of playing decks. For instance, if a player is using a table with four decks, the starting count would only be -8. From -8, you just go on counting normally.
The basic rule is that when your total count surpasses 0, you automatically get a 1% edge over the house. This method is simple for beginners because there is little to keep tracking since you know exactly when you attain the edge. The common goal in KISS II and KISS 3 is betting high when the count is high because greater numbers of 10s in the playing deck benefits the player more than the “dealer”. Similarly, when the count is positive or low, a player should reduce the bet amounts. This reduces losses when the advantage is against the player and when the house has the edge.
You should always remember the basic strategy and also play exceptionally in order to get the highest chances and percentages in the odds. The tags used in KISS 3 are a bit different from those used in KISS II. There are 5 card ranks in KISS 3. The ranks are counted as +1 and the numbers are 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. All the ten-value cards which include Queen, Ten, Jack and King are counted as -1. Like in the KISS II, the player counts 2s of one color. For example, one counts the red-colored hearts and diamonds while not counting the others. KISS II has its Ace counted as -1 and this significantly accounts for its higher betting correlation. Most players find KISS 3 as easy to learn and apply as compared to KISS II.
Kiss II Method
Updated Kiss II Method Card Counting Makes Winning Super Easy
Professionally skilled blackjack player and acclaimed author Fred Renzey teaches his updated version of blackjack card counting called the Kiss II Method. In this helpful book, Fred Renzey breaks down his card counting methods in an easy to digest format and formula. The rules are simple. The concepts are easy. Does a player still need luck? Sure. Yet, with a strategy like this at play the casino's walls will surely tumble down. He wrote the book on card counting. This was back in 2006. Since then, Fred Renzey has been testing his card counting method out and tweaking it like never before. This simple method is here to save many players from going all in when the house already has 21. The strategy is sound, but players still have to add their own personal touch in order to maximize their profits in blackjack.
This instructional guide will go over the actual exact details of the system. It will tell everything that is needed to know in order to get involved in this ridiculously simple, insanely helpful approach to winning online blackjack. After reading this short article on card counting, players will feel more at ease playing the game online because the odds will be in their favor. They will know when to bet high just by adding the number of points generated by played cards. Of course, this guide will introduce the values of each card to be counted in an easy to remember format. The guide ends with a few simple tips that sum up the method that brings players from the bottom of a barrel to the high rollers' table in a matter of seconds. With a little finesse any player can become a professional. Any player who knows that winning blackjack requires having an edge will enjoy reading this instructional manual.
Just the Facts : How to Use This Winning Blackjack Method
Most players who count cards have had to invest hours upon hours reading books on card counting, watching videos about it or practicing over and over nonstop. There's an easier way to count cards. If Fred Renzey puts his experience and reputation on the line to teach everyone this way to win, then it must work. The approach is sound and logical. If a player wants to learn a way to play blackjack and better their odds, then they've come to the right place.
The blackjack player who is successful in implementing this card counting methodology must have a good understanding of what is required in point values at the table. The basic idea of this methodology is to raise the bet to a higher amount when the point values are at +3 or higher. Then, when the point values drop to zero or lower than zero the player should lower the bet or sit out until the point values return to a higher number. By keeping track of point values any player can train themselves to be a professional blackjack player.
The correct way to start out the point count is widely theorized with some discrepancy. It is safer to start the count when the deck is fresh with a count much lower than zero. Even starting with -12 points is fair, so the player can be certain that the bets they place will bring in positive returns.
Actual Point Values Discussed
The card values are what determine the points added or subtracted in order to place correctly corresponding bets at the blackjack table. For a red 2, 0 points are added. A black 2 gets +1 points. Card values 3, 4, 5 and 6 get +1 points added to the count. Card values 7, 8, 9 and Ace get 0 points added to the count. Lastly, card values 10, Jack, Queen and King get -1 points added to the count. Keeping track of these point counts is what counting cards is all about.
This way of counting cards has the player keep track of the suit of the 2 cards that appear. This is debated by many blackjack players. They argue different approaches that should be regarded when these cards appear. This methodology is proven to enhance winning odds and give players a better edge. Ultimately, it comes down to the player's experience and personal choice that decide how to count suits. The player can add a substantial edge to their profitability of .64% if they play their cards right.
How to Use Points Explained
The player should start counting at the start of a new shoe of cards. The count should start with -12 until the player has confidence in their understanding of card counting to change the starting point count at their own discrepancy. For every card that enters the table, the player will add or subtract the corresponding point value. The player can sit out until the point value is favorable to bet, or the player can bet low in order to conserve funds for better point values. When the value is +3 or greater the player will have an edge that should be enough to give confidence for higher bets.
This method is simpler and easier than most card counting methods because a player is able to focus on only 50% of the cards that appear. This makes it a lot easier to keep track of the fast-moving dealer's hands. Unlike other counting methods this method keeps the point value for Aces at zero, which is another simplification.
Wrapping Up
The simplified and easy method for counting cards that is explained here will be a valuable tool for novice and expert players alike. No longer will house edge trump players. The knowledge and foresight explained here will keep the tuned in blackjack player aware of the standing of the game, so the player can make the best decisions on how much they should bet.
Every player will have different experiences with using this method. It can be rearranged to suit every players' needs when betting. This method can be tailored to fit personal preference. Online casinos had better look out with counting professionals that learn this method on the loose.
KO Counting System
The Knockout Blackjack counting system is popularly known as the Blackjack KO card counting strategy. It is one of the easiest counting system in Blackjack card games for numerous reasons. The following is an in-depth explanation of how the KO system works and why it is much easier to use than most blackjack counting systems.
Merits of Using the online Blackjack Knock Out Counting System
There are many kinds of card counting strategies that exist but they all try to accomplish the same goal easily and differently. All of them measure the advantage that players have over the house due to the number of high cards as compared to low cards in the playing deck. Since modern online casinos normally use multiple decks, most Blackjack counting systems need the conversion of the “actual running count” into a “true count.” The conversion however considers the number of playing decks being used in the game. The online Blackjack KO Card Counting system eliminates the need for a “true count” conversion. For instance, when players are using the simple systems, they should give a value of -1 to each ace. They should also give a value of +1 to each 5. When using a single deck and four 5’s are “dealt” and no aces, your count should be +4. This means that your probability of winning is high and therefore you should increase your bet amount. However, if you are using six decks, you should divide that +4 by the number of decks remaining in the “shoe”. This consequently reduces +4 to maybe a +1. The Blackjack KO counting system eliminates the need for a player to do a lot of arithmetic in the course of the game. The reason why the KO method does not need a conversion to a “true count” is because it is an “unbalanced” counting method. This means that if you count throughout the entire deck, the number of aces and the number of 5s will cancel each other out and ultimately, you will have a total of 0. The unbalanced nature of the KO system eliminates the necessity for doing the division since it compensates for the extra decks.
All Blackjack counting systems have a common goal of improving the accuracy of the estimate to the wager’s advantage. They normally do this by awarding different values to different cards. For instance, in the Hi-Opt II counting system, 2s and 3s usually count as +1. The 4s and 5s count as +2. The 6s and 7s count as +1 and all 10s count as -2. In the uber-simple ace has a –5 count. One only adds and subtracts 1 for every important number. This makes the card counting process easier. Most card counting systems employ a single level while most card counting systems endeavor to be more accurate. The card counting systems do this by including extra levels.
Exclusion of Side Counts
Most card counting systems also try to improve their application accuracy by keeping a side count. For instance, a player can keep a side count of the number of aces that have been “dealt”. This should be in addition to the “running total” which should be converted to a “true count”.
How to Count Cards Using the KO Blackjack System
All conventional card counting systems follow up the ratio of high cards to low cards. They normally do this by assigning a unique value to each card in the playing deck. In a single-level system, the heuristic value is -1, 0 or +1. Since 0s are negligible, you basically add or subtract 1 from the total of each card that you encounter. In the KO counting system, all cards from 2 to 7 have a value of +1. All aces and 10s are worth -1. One should always remember that in the KO method, the “running count” does not start at 0. In this system, the “starting count” is usually based on the number of decks that are being used in the game. This is the concept that eliminates the requirement of a “true count” conversion. In KO, the starting number is calculated using the formula 4 – (4 * the number of decks). For instance, if you are playing using 8 decks, your “starting count” should be -28. This is because 4 * 8 is 32 and 4 -32 is -28. You will notice that in single deck games, you should always have a “starting count of 0”. Note that the number of decks has a significant effect on the count. When the count turns positive, you should increase your bet size by equal units. This means that if the count becomes +4, you should bet 5 units. You should always bet 1 unit every time the count is 0 or negative. If the count is +1, you should bet 2 units.
Comparison of the Red 7, Hi-Lo, KO and Omega II Card Counting Systems
The Hi-Lo, Red Seven and KO are all level one systems which compete closely with each other in their strengths but Omega II is in a class of its own. The Hi-Lo counting system is slightly superior in the single deck games while Red Seven and KO rate equally. The Red Seven is a little bit weaker in double deck games but KO and Hi-Lo tie in rating. Red Seven is superior in both the eight-deck and the six-deck, where KO and Hi-Lo are a bit weaker. An in-depth analysis of the three level-one counting system shows that all the three systems compete closely depending on penetration, number of decks and betting spreads. However, none of them can challenge the advanced Omega II. To expect results similar to those of Omega II, a Hi-Lo player should use more indices for the regular playing variations which occur at negative counts and at higher positive counts in one-deck and two-deck games.
The Red Seven and the KO lack a playing accuracy level which can be compared to Hi-Lo except for its limited 18 range version. The Red Seven dominates in the eight decks and the six deck games. It decisively trounces both the KO and the Hi-Lo systems with its system design. It performs with exceptional strength when the advantage rises by about 1%. Since the Red Seven is strongest at this point, this is where it places most of its high bets. In the three “shoe” games with just 75% penetration, higher advantages seldom occur. Hence, the Red Seven is specially designed to play precisely these types of card games. The KO betting accuracy can not optimize before a player advantage has risen to 2 %. The Hi-Lo is adversely affected for not counting the sevens. This raises the Red Seven’s playing efficiency and betting correlation enough at its pivot point to provoke more frequent higher betting amounts. In “shoe” games, for example, a player is strongly encouraged to only use the six simple Red 7 indices in the initial half of the “shoe” game. The player can later switch to the advanced indices during the second half of the game. Transition to the more powerful version of the Red Seven, the Advanced Red Seven, when ready, is not possible to players using the inferior KO Count.
Blackjack Red 7 Card Counting System
Learning blackjack can be a fun and rewarding experience. Knowing when to hit and stay is luck of the draw, and it can be a real art form. Watching other players enjoy blackjack at online casinos and in real life is a great way to learn how to play. Mastering the art of hitting and staying takes some practice. Once you have it down, it is safe to experiment with playing at the table and gambling with real money. The next step is one that many people overlook out of fear of being called out for it. That step is called card counting. It is looked down upon in some places and the legality of it is a grey area in most casinos. The fact of the matter is that no person can know if a player is counting cards because all of the counting happens within the players head. Players who use their fingers and toes to count cards should be warned not to do so!
If a player can master card counting before practicing it at a table, the player will increase the odds of beating the house at online blackjack. The player will most likely enjoy the game of blackjack more. This is because counting cards require more attention. The player who counts cards must be in tune with the fast action of the table. The dealer's hands move in circles and can seem to be an illusion at times. Players who are easily distracted by members of the opposite sex and free drinks will have trouble counting cards at a real casino. It is easier to do at home, however, so online casinos are a great place to master the skill of counting cards because no one is watching the player. With fewer distractions, it is much easier to focus on the task at hand.
About The Red 7 Card Counting Method
Many of the card counting methods available on the internet, in books, in magazines and in other publications offer unique counting systems that work to count point values of cards placed on the table, but a majority of these card counting systems receive heavy criticism. Simple card counting systems are routinely criticized for being TOO simple. Simplicity means easy mastery, meaning any novice that understands blackjack and can read an online blog can become a master card counter. While this is true, they can count cards, it does not mean they will always have a higher edge at the table. When other methods are too simple it also means that they are less useful. They are dulled down and not as helpful when predicting when to bet big and when to bet low. There is an alternative, however.
The Red 7 System for counting cards is a dynamic approach to card counting that is simple to learn, yet it offers a professional edge that the other systems often fail to contain. With the Red 7 method the player will feel more confident knowing that bigger bets placed at higher point values will often yield higher results in chips. Knowing this and having this confidence goes far at the table. It can also go far in the player's wallet!
There are two types of card counting systems in the world of blackjack. There are unbalanced systems and balanced systems. Knowing the difference is crucial to using any card counting method. The player who knows whether the system they are using is balanced or unbalanced is at least off to a running start. Without this knowledge the player may as well not be counting cards at all. Balanced systems are card counting systems that start off at 0 points and also end with 0 points. In balanced systems every card cancels out by the play of another card. Unbalanced systems for counting cards are those that do not start at 0 points and/or do not end with 0 points. This makes it a little tougher to practice and more of a challenge to master unbalanced systems when compared to balanced systems because the player does not see a nice, even 0 points at the end of the deck. The Red 7 System is an unbalanced one that does not end on an even count of 0 points.
Card Values in Red 7
Knowing the point values associated with each card for the system for counting is required to use any card counting methods. Players should study the point values and be ready to recall them with ease. The player will need to add up and subtract the points very quickly as the game progresses. There is no time for breaks during a blackjack game either. The point values stay consistent throughout until the next shuffle, so if a player stops counting for one hand, the entire count is most likely thrown off.
The points for the Red 7 method are unique to this card counting strategy. For cards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and Red 7s, 1 point is added to the total count (+1). For cards Black 7s, 8 and 9, no points are added to the total count (0). For cards 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace, 1 point is subtracted from the total card count (-1). Again, players may choose to practice this or any strategy by watching blackjack hands and determining profitable times to bet high or bet low. It is worth noting that this method was developed by a professional player, Arnold Snyder, who created the suite specific rules for counting Red 7s and Black 7s. Some players choose to simplify the differentiation by counting all 7 cards as +.5 points. This makes it easier to count, but it also makes the entire system less reliable.
Aces Up
Aces are one half of the ingredients to blackjack. Since blackjack pays 3-2 in most casinos, players are advised to count Aces as the game progresses. This can be a little tricky to remember when trying to count cards at the same time. In order to count the number of Aces that appear, players should first figure out how many decks are being used. The player should then multiply the number of decks by 4 (4 Aces in a deck). The resultant number is the total number of Aces. Knowing how many Aces are left helps the player determine the likelihood of blackjack, especially towards the end of the deck(s). Since card counting is all about determining when to bet big or bet low, counting Aces makes the bet all that more appealing when the odds are in the player's favor.
Pivot Point
The pivot point is the turn that is the reason for counting cards in the first place. This is when the odds are in the player's favor. With this system the count starts unbalanced. To get the starting count, multiply the number of decks used by -2 points. The resultant number is where the count should start. Anything positive in the count is an indication that the player should bet high. Anything negative in the count is a good indication to bet low.
REKO Blackjack Card Counting
Winner's Edge
The game of blackjack has taken down many worthy opponents. The house seems unstoppable at times. It rips through the wallets of unsuspecting players. It knocks down colossal stacks of chips. It tears through the Aces and Kings dealt to players who thought they were lucky enough to win from just splitting and doubling down, and it shouts “Blackjack 21” above the roaring screams of disapontment. Players can find themselves down on their luck, wishing they had enough money left in their bank account to try winning once more. But, alas! All hope is not lost just yet. There is still a winning edge that most players fail to achieve. That edge can only be accomplished in one sure way. A player with a winner's edge has a better chance of betting high at the right time and waking away a winner. The easiest way to have this edge is to count cards at blackjack. There are many variations on card counting. Each variation has its own downfalls, but trying out each one in a safe environment will show the player which works at which time. Some card counting methods work for some people while others don't work for them at all. This article goes over one of the simplest card counting methods known to man, called the REKO System of card counting.
Card counting can be fun and profitable if it is done correctly. Be careful to test out everything before playing in an actual casino with real money. This method is true. It has been tested several times by actual professional blackjack players. The pros have weighed in on this method. Some say that it works well. It is successful for them, so perhaps it will be successful for the next player that takes their mark at the blackjack table. Whether using this method or another method for counting cards, it is always a good idea to be especially familiar with it in practice before taking it to an actual table. The nature of card counting is conducive to winning more often, so a player with practice will see more chips in their stack. A good way to practice with this method or any other method for card counting is to play at home. Players who are practicing new card counting methods should go through the counting procedures at home to make sure they understand them completely. They can take their practice to any actual casino or online casino to watch blackjack. Watching blackjack while counting cards is a great way to test out a new card counting method before applying it to the table.
About the REKO Card Counting System
This surprisingly easy system stands for Realy Easy KO (Knock Out). Knock Out is a boxing term used to describe when an opponent can no longer stand from all the punches he received. That is exactly what the player aims to do to the dealer by using this method. This system is designed to be esy to pick up and learn. New players will have an easy time figuring out how to apply the system and its point values for each card. Expert blackjack players may also enjoy the card counting system explained here because it offers a fresh take on something they've probably already been doing for a long time: winning. Any player, regardless of their level, can take the information provided here to an online casino and seriously increase their winning percentage. It depends on the player's experience and understanding of card counting. All it takes is basic math and a little patience.
The system was developed by author and professional card player Norm Wattenberger. Norm is an author of a phenomenal book on blackjack that everyone should pick up at their local bookstore. He is a sensational player, and he is one of the first real masters of online blackjack. His thoughts and ideas on the internet gaming of blackjack are sincerely some of the best, most compelling, most inspiring ideas to hit the online blackjack community.
REKO and its components are the subject of some debate amongst blackjack players and online casinos. The system is so simple that it is often criticized for being too simple to master. It is also criticized for not being a real card counting system. Opponents of REKO say that it does not provide enough of an advantage to blackjack players. The system has been tested, however, and its developer has developed software similar to REKO. The system is also similar to the card counting system used by the MIT Team that went to casinos and collected an extremely high payout.
How Does It Work?
The Reko Card Counting system is easy to master if the player is familiar with how card counting works. The basics of card counting apply to this system throughout the entire use of it. The general idea of card counting is not directed towards when to hit or stay. Card counting in the REKO method is used to help the player determine when to bet high or low. The player will keep a count of the point values that are associated with every card that has appeared on the table. If the point value becomes positive, the player can bet higher because there is a higher chance of winning. If the point value becomes negative, the player should bet lower or sit out until the point value becomes positive. It is the players' call when deciding how much to bet. If the player is being conservative, they may choose to wait until the point value is higher than +3. If the player is loose, they may choose to play points as low as 0 or even -1. Generally, it is wise to bet only when the points are at least +1. This is a good rule until the system becomes second nature.
The main thing to take away from this article and this method is the list of point values assigned to each card. These are different for every method. It is the point values that make each method unique. The point values for this system are relatively simple and easy to remember, which is why this system for card counting is one of the easiest to master. The cards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 recieve +1 points. Cards 8 and 9 recieve 0 points. Cards 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace recieve -1 points.
This is an unbalanced system, so the count for cards does not start at 0. At the beginning of a new shuffle, the player must get the starting count by multiplying -2 points by the number of decks being used. This unbalanced approach helps keep the player from getting a false read on the points of the table. When it turns positive it will be more likely a better time to bet because of the unbalanced approach.
The main downfall of this card counting system is that the less amount of decks being used the less powerful the system is at predicting when to bet. With one or two decks being used the system is least powerful at helping predict when to bet.
Silver Fox Counting System
The Silver Fox Counting System for Blackjack was developed in 1997 by Ralph Stricker for the purposes of playing blackjack professionally. It is often called the easiest system for counting cards because it takes the work out of card counting, where other systems make it much more difficult to achieve an accurate count. There is a history behind the Silver Fox method that exemplifies how powerful and reliable the system can be in actual casinos. Ralph Stricker actually used the system in Atlantic City. He was so successful with his system that Atlantic City casinos had their security teams watching him closely. One security person started calling him “the Fox” because of how evasive he was in getting away from them before being caught.
About Silver Fox System
The system is not designed to determine which action players should choose within the game. The player can use the knowledge he or she has gathered elsewhere and by watching the table to determine whether to hit or stay in blackjack. Instead of revealing that information, this system is meant to help the player understand when to bet higher on hands and when to bet lower on hands. Sometimes it will help the player realize the odds are very low, and the player might be best to sit out until the odds are more favorable.
The basic idea is easy to follow and simple to master. Any player of any experience level should be able to grasp the concepts laid out here with minimal confusion or doubt. It may take a little practice at home to master. This is because the action in online blackjack and in the casinos happens very quickly. In a casino players must do all the counting in their heads, however, most online casinos can't tell what players are doing in their own homes.
The system is known for its simplicity and ease of understandability. It is also known for being a truly balanced system. A balanced system will start with 0 points and end with 0 points according to the count. When the deck is first shuffled the point value will start at zero. This is different than plenty of other card counting systems. Of course, if the player feels like being conservative, the point value at the start can be lowered to adjust for conservative mentalities. If the player wants to be bold in their play in blackjack, then the starting point value can be raised. The player must use caution when doing this. The starting point value should be left at 0 until the player is well versed with this or any other card counting method.
The fact that it is a balanced method means that after all the cards have been played the final point value should be 0. It is 0 when the cards are first shuffled, and it is 0 when the cards have all been played. This balancing act is quite helpful in learning to count at home. It makes it easy to practice the method at home. The player can try on their own to count using this method. When the deck is finished the player will know how well they did at counting cards. The player who is learning to count cards might learn a lot from just watching others play blackjack while counting along.
How Silver Fox Works
When a card is dealt by the dealer to any player including the dealer it is assigned a point value. The point value should be reset from the moment the cards are shuffled.
The Silver Fox System sets the points of the cards up in an easy to remember fashion. Some systems make this complicated. In this system 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are assigned +1, meaning 1 point is added each time they appear on the table. The 8 card is assigned 0 points, meaning nothing occurs when an 8 appears on the table. When a 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King or Ace appear the result is -1, meaning 1 point is subtracted from the card count.
If the point value is above 0, the player should bet more according to how high above 0 the point value sits. If the point value is below zero, then the player should resist betting large amounts or sit out until the point value returns.
This system is incredibly easy to use. This is because each card has another that cancels it out. Their are only two ways the count can go. It can go up by 1 point (+1), or it can go down by 1 point (-1). It is easy to keep track of the count with this system. Any player of any level of experience may take part in this method with a great degree of success.
Keep Track of Aces
In addition to counting cards with the point values listed above, it is a good idea to keep track of how many aces have been played. Although the table works great on its own, it will behoove any player that enjoys 3-2 winnings for blackjack to track how many Aces have been dealt. This is simple to do. First, check how many decks of cards are being used to play. With the number of decks in mind from the first shuffle, multiply this number by four. The result is the number of Aces that can be played.
Counting Aces while counting cards with the above table give players a huge advantage in getting blackjack while having a big bet out on the table. If the point value is high, for instance, the player should bet high. If the player is already betting high AND there are still a lot of Aces left in the deck, then the player might benefit by betting even higher. This extra bet will often help players rake in massive amounts of chips from the table.
This simple method surprises many people who think that card counting takes a lot of intelligence. Most people assume that card counting requires a degree in Calculus! With this genius methodology, players can rake in huge stacks of chips and impress everyone with their “lucky” bets.
Blackjack Uston Adv. Plus-Minus System Reduced Edge
The Blackjack Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System was popularized by Ken Uston. In 1981, the Blackjack Hall of Famer released this card counting method to the public with the help of his book entitled Million Dollar Blackjack. When this book was published, multitudes of people learned the craft of card counting; which helps to lead to increased winnings.
Like any good method, this card counting method had a couple of glitches which lead to its downfall. For one, the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System was only proficient in blackjack games that used one or two decks. After Uston released his book in 1981, there was still an abundance of blackjack tables that existed in a casino. But when many of these casinos learned of this card counting system, single and double deck games were removed. This caused the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System to almost be useless to learn. Though it could no longer aid a blackjack player in winning a game, learning the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System can be used in order to gain a sturdy foundation in the basics of counting cards at a live or at online casinos.
Uston Advance Plus-Minus System Basics
The general thought of the Uston Advance Plus-Minus System is the same as when it was initially presented by Edward O.Thorp. Every card is given a certain value that is numeric and then during play they are counted. This is referred to as a running count. The running count uses a plus or negative number, which is how the method gets its name.
At the point when Ken Uston built up this framework, he tried to protect effortlessness so that the starting card counter could undoubtedly utilize the strategy. Consequently, there are just three listings in the Uston APM +1, 0, and – 0. This extraordinarily rearranges the numbering procedure.
Not at all like alternate frameworks created by Ken, the Uston system is known as a balanced framework. This implies that the running tally dependably starts at 0 when a fresh shoe is distributed. In the event that all cards were to be managed from the show (this will never happen in a casino) 0 will be the total at the end. Numerous individuals contend that while a balanced framework is less complex to execute, it is not as dependable because of transient swings in the session of blackjack.
The Value of Cards in the Advanced Plus-Minus System
The cards 2, 8, 9 have the numeric value of 0. Cards 3,4,5,6 and 7 have a numeric value of +1. The 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace are assigned a value of -1.
As you see, in the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus System five cards are esteemed at +1,five cards are esteemed at – 1, and three cards get a value of 0 and are not joined to the running count. This allows things to be simple for the starting card counter in light of the fact that each card that is excluded can be scratched off by the existence of another card. When this system is used in a blackjack game, the player easily removes sets of cards that counteracts or voids each other. The cards that remain during a round are added in with the running count.
Obviously, straightforwardness does not generally measure up to effectiveness. The Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system gives one of the most reduced edges to be discovered among card tallying systems.
It ought to likewise be noticed that the Uston Adv. Plus-Minus system does not oblige a player to keep an additional count of the aces in the game. With a system, this straightforward, be that as it may, you could undoubtedly keep up a side count with no trouble of the aces.
It isn't glamorous and it isn't the most effective, however in the event that you need a card tallying system that will acquaint you with the nuts and bolts of card counting without depending on the troublesome ideas found in different systems, the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system is what you need. You may not rake in huge profits with it, but this system still makes enough of an edge that will permit you to win regardless if you are playing live or online blackjack.
With just three records to keep track of and count, this strategy can be found out in one night of genuine practice. The move to live play is not troublesome for the blackjack player on the grounds that there are fewer cards to count.
Regardless of being obsolete and off by a long shot to the proficiency of other strategies, more current card counting frameworks, the Uston Advanced Plus-Minus system will never totally vanish from the blackjack scene.
The Uston APC system
Whether you prefer to play blackjack in real casinos, or if you prefer to play online blackjack in online casinos, you are probably looking to gain an edge while playing it. There are different card counting methods available that can help you achieve this edge.
Uston APC is one of the most effective and formidable card counting systems that are available to blackjack players today. This method was invented by the legendary blackjack player, Ken Uston. In 1981, this method was detailed in his book, “Million Dollar Blackjack”.
After introducing a simple card counting method called Uston APM, Ken Uston aimed to design a method that could be executed by experienced card counters, which culminated in the invention of this advanced method of card counting in blackjack. Since it is a very complex method and is difficult to master, this method is not suitable for beginners and intermediate card counters. It is better for novice card counters to master one of Uston's simpler methods before progressing to this advanced system. However, if you somehow learn the Uston APCc, you can reap the benefits of one of the highest advantages among all of the counting systems that are currently available.
The fundamentals of this The Uston APC system
The difficulty of this method is not derived from how it is implemented. In fact, this method also works similar to other card counting systems.
Each card in the deck is assigned a numerical value and a running count of the cards that have been dealt is tracked. The running count is either a positive number between +1 to +3 or a negative number between -1 to -3. A positive running count implies that the deck favors the player and he should increase the size of his bets. A negative running count implies that the deck does not favor the player, and he should decrease the size of his bets.
Like most of the other card counting methods, the Uston APC also follows a balanced count. In a balanced count system, the running count begins at 0, and it also ends at 0 after all the cards have been dealt.
Assigned Values in Uston APC
The difficulty of the Uston APC is due to the values assigned to the cards. It uses a large number of unique values to assign to cards. cards 2 and 8 are assigned a value of +1; cards 3,4,6, and 7 are assigned a value of +2; card 5 is assigned a value of +3; card 9 is assigned a value of -1; cards 10, J, Q, and K are assigned a value of -3; ace is assigned a value of 0.
You can see right away the inherent difficulty of this method. It uses as many as seven different indices or unique values for the cards. It is very difficult for the player to keep track of the running count in live situations because of the high number of indices used in this method. There are fewer cards whose values cancel each other out, which forces the player to pay closer attention to the cards.
Why is the Uston APC difficult
Apart from the indices used, there are two more reasons due to which the Uston APC becomes difficult to master.
The first reason is the system uses the concept of the true count in addition to running count. The true count gives a more accurate measure of how favorable the deck has become. It is an effective measure that increases the efficiency of the method but requires more mental diligence from the player.
To calculate the true count value, the running count must be divided by the remaining cards left in the deck. Though it sounds simple, it is very difficult to do in the fast paced action of a live play.
The second reason is due to requiring a separate count for aces in this method. The aces are not accounted for in the running count because they are assigned a value of 0. By keeping track of aces in a separate count, the player can try to combine a highly favorable deck with a deck that is loaded with aces. If that combination is realized, the probability of hitting a blackjack is improved tremendously.
The Uston APC system is very complex and hard for even experienced card counters. Novice card counters should not even try this method. Even if you are an experienced card counter, it is better for you to stick to simpler systems card counting unless you are willing to put in the tremendous effort it requires to master this method.
Uston SS Blackjack System
Ken Uston is the creator and expert of the Uston SS Blackjack system a card counting system. He is an expert and a blackjack legend in Counting cards and none know more about card counting than him. Uston SS is one of the several methods of card counting developed by Uston. Uston advanced Plus/minus(APM) and Uston Advanced point count(APC) are other methods of counting developed by him.
Arnold Snyder and Sam Case the fellow card counters helped Ken Uston with this project in creating Blackjack Uston SS system. In 1986 this advanced card counting system created with the combined effort of all three expert card counters was published as Uston SS count. This counting system is a level 3 which means it works well for a player who is a more experienced blackjack player who is good at card counting. SS in Uston SS stands for “strongest and simplest” which means that this system of counting is powerful. For players who are just learning card counting this system appears complex and mastering this system would definitely appear challenging.
How to use Uston SS count system: Just like any other card counting system, in Uston SS method player has to keep a running count of the cards which alerts the player to increase the bet when the card count is on the positive side like (+3, +2, +1)because it indicates that deck is favorable to the player. The player should hold off from bets when the running count is below 0. It is safe that way.
There are two varieties of basic card counting systems balanced and unbalanced. Uston SS count system is an unbalanced card counting system where count doesn't start at zero and does not end with zero necessarily by the time all the cards from the deck have been dealt. In Uston SS to get your starting count multiply the number decks used in the game with -2 like in an example for a 6 deck game, the starting count would be -12.
Points are assigned to the cards, starting count dependent upon the number of decks in the shoe. Because the count starts at a negative range using an Uston SS counting system which is an unbalanced system gives the blackjack player a more accurate representation of the deck which is definitely an advantage to the player.
Short term swings create false indications which can be prevented using an Uston SS counting system. With running count in the positive range, the player can be assured to have a minimum 1% edge over the house.
Count points assigned to each card in Uston SS:
Uston SS indices are as follows
Card value 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A
Points +2 +2 +2 +3 +2 +1 0 -1 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2
For players who are familiar with card counting, it is easy to see looking at the above indices that Uston SS method is complex. In this method, a fewer number of cards cancel each other out which means to form your running count you need to keep track of more cards in the play. Whenever you see one of these cards dealt you need to add and subtract
the corresponding count points to your running count. You will need a good mathematics mind to keep up with adding and subtracting and not lose the count.
Role of Aces in Uston SS count: Side counting of Aces doesn't determine the efficiency of this system. When counting aces are assigned a value of -2 and added to the running count. In Uston SS method, you need not deal with aces separately, but doing so only increases the accuracy of this powerful and strong method of counting. In an unbalanced system like Uston SS, the side count of aces benefits the player by giving a clear picture of the odds of winning the blackjack.
Uston SS Summary: Before a player goes for this system of counting it is better to try less complicated systems and gain some experience in counting cards. Ken Uston is the expert card counter and he designed this system with best card counters in mind. This system is used by many professionals because of its accuracy and efficiency. In the live blackjack play, the player need to really master this system to execute well. This is the most powerful system when mastered properly can put blackjack profits into the players pocket when playing casino blackjack. The time and hard work the player puts into learning this system will be well worth it with all the rewards it brings.
Although it is a level 3 strategy it is easier than level 3 and 4 systems which are more complex and advanced than Uston SS count system. This system is unbalanced and recognizes aces, so there is no need for side counting. These two factors alone eases up the work for the player. It is a pretty strong counting system with a 99% correlation with betting. Many players with experience enjoy using this system of counting. This is the best system for a serious card counter with experience. Practice and learn the powerful Uston SS count system to become a card counting legend like Ken Uston.
Since the 1990's online blackjack has become popular with blackjack players with the advent of online casinos where games can be played over the internet for free or for real money. Table minimums with blackjack online always starts at $1. Without risking much money you can learn how to play blackjack online and practice your counting method.
Zen Count System
Alan Snyder is a well-known card counting expert who has developed many methods of card counting in blackjack. He has developed different systems designed to help players with different levels of skills at card counting. The Blackjack Zen Count System is one of the blackjack counting methods developed by Alan Snyder. This card counting system is one of the methods that was shown in a book written by Snyder on card counting in blackjack. Even though Snyder was an expert card counter, he also targeted the beginner while developing his card counting systems. The beauty of the Zen system is that it is sophisticated enough to give an edge to the player who employs it, yet it is simple enough to deploy the method in live situations in blackjack.
The Zen card counting system can be classified as a medium difficulty counting method. If you want to deploy this method successfully, your expertise as a card counter should fall somewhere around the slightly experienced level. However, there are some parts of this card counting method that you would need to practice diligently at home prior to executing them in live play situations.
Fundamentals of the system
A critical point that all card counters need to know is the fact that virtually all card counting systems, the Zen system not exempted, require a solid understanding of fundamental blackjack strategy. What this means is that If you don't have a good idea of how to play blackjack, then card counting will not be of much use to you.
The Zen method and other card counting methods are based on calculating a running count by assigning a numerical value to each card in the deck. You should increase or decrease your bets based on the running count. If the value of the running count is a positive number, like +2, +3, and +4, you are supposed to increase your bet. If the value of the running count is a negative number, like -1, -2, and -3, you are supposed to bet the least amount allowed. This system is considered to be a balanced system of card counting.
Numerical values assigned to cards
The system works by assigning each card a numerical value, which is also called as an index.
The cards 2 and 3 are assigned a numerical value of +1. The cards 4,5, and 6 are assigned a numerical value of +2. The card 7 is assigned a numerical value of +1. The cards 8 and 9 are assigned a numerical value of 0. The cards 10, J, Q, and K are assigned a numerical value of -2. Lastly, the ace is assigned a numerical value of -1.
Thus you can see that the indices in the Zen system are quite simple. They can easily be memorized by undergoing some practice at home.
How Aces are treated
The way in which aces are treated in this system requires some explanation. In this system, aces are not counted separately but instead, are included in the running count just like any other card. In order to account for the decrease in percentage edge that comes as aces are removed from the deck, Snyder assigned a numeral value of -1 to the aces. Snyder believed that this method was equal in effectiveness to methods that remove aces from the running count and count them separately. The advantage of this method is that the player has one less item that he needs to keep track of during live blackjack play and, thus, the complexity of the system is reduced.
The True Count concept
Snyder also believed that the efficiency and effectiveness of this card counting system increased by using the true count.
This is one of the features in the Zen system that might add a little difficulty for novice card counters.
Some math is applied in the calculation of a true count. First, the player must determine the running count. After the running count is determined, the number of remaining cards that are still in the deck is estimated. The running count is now divided by the estimated number of remaining cards to get the value of the true count.
A true count gives the player a more accurate picture of the deck in terms of how good a position he is in. The system becomes more efficient and more accurate when true count is used, and this gives the player a better position.
It is not required that a player must use the true count in order to use this counting system. He can still use running count and benefit from it, but it is not as efficient as using the true count. Beginners at card counting can start by using the running count and transition to using the true count as they gain more experience.
This card counting system is suitable for players who are slightly experienced that want to improve their card counting skills to a higher level. This is a very simple method in terms of assigned numeric values used and is further simplified by not requiring a separate count for aces. If you want to incorporate a true count in your method, you will need to practice a bit at home before you gain the required expertise to deploy this method in live plays. This method can also be applied in online blackjack games in online casinos.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]